It TOOK: me a long ass time to finish this post.
I AM the sum of all my parts. Take it or leave it. You can't have the good without the bad. I'm clingy, selfish, independent, loyal, moody, positive, self-conscious, proud, generous, thrifty, snobby, and laid back.
I WANT to live a full life. To me, this means being remembered for something important, making a difference in someone's life, and being loved by someone special.
I WISH I didn't have a visible birthmark. It is my kryptonite. I feel it has hindered me in life. I think it's the reason I'm still single. It didn't bother me when I was younger, in fact I hardly ever noticed it. But the older I get, the more self-aware I become.
I HATE sweating. I think it's gross.
I MISS being fearless. Snavy said this, and I think it really hits home for me. I miss saying what's on my mind. I miss walking around with with a thousand times more self-esteem than I do now. I miss caring too deeply and talking too loudly. Oh wait.. I still do those things.
I FEAR marriage. I have a deep seeded fear of commitment. I think it honestly runs in the family. I have a 40 yr old uncle who's been married and divorced 3 times. I have an uncle who's divorced after 20something years of marriage. I have three cousins who are my age who have already been married and divorced. I'm kidding of course about it running in the family. But think about it, there's a 50% chance of failure. And I'm not the gambling type.
I HEAR there's gonna be a Wolverine prequel. Can't wait for that. Hugh Jackman is hawt.
I WONDER if I'll ever make it to Tennessee. I hear some pretty great people live there. Unfortunately for me, they live there with their girlfriends.
I REGRET nothing. It leads to a game of what-if's. And homey don't play that.
I AM NOT that innocent. Ha! Got that song stuck in yer head now, huh?
I DANCE in my living room, in front of my tv, to my Nsync vhs of their 2000 world tour in New York's Madison Square Garden. Don't laugh. You did the same with New Kids on the Block. Come'on. Who was your favorite? Donny?
I SING everyday on my way to work. Or anytime I'm in the car, for that matter.
I CRY when I'm in a situation that I can't control. I also cry after watching scary movies, or any movies dealing with death. Death is something of which I'm terribly afraid. It's the ultimate in uncontrollable situations. And don't you dare say that I'm afraid of death because I don't believe in God or the afterlife. Believing in God doesn't make death any less uncontrollable.
I AM NOT ALWAYS truthful. It's so much easier to lie, dontcha think? Seriously, though, I have a bad habit of lying. It's the first thing I think of when someone asks me a question: Lie first, explain later.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS money, for to buy things with.
I WRITE poems occasionally. I don't do it often, because I have a stoopid knack for writing them in silly song style ala Dr. Suess.
I CONFUSE Iowa with Idaho. I took a glance at a map this weekend and was surprised to learn that Idaho was waaay West.
I NEED more money. Mo' money, mo' problems? I like my saying better: mo' money, mo' things.
I SHOULD start my own business. Maybe when I'm more settled. For now, I'll just concentrate on getting a new car. Yes, Fuckus is only a year old. But I live for new cars. New cars are my toys. I get one every year or so.
I START posts and then forget about them.
I FINISH them eventually.