quesadillas for breakfast

Thank you to the little people who made this blog possible.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

...and stay out!

So there's a guy that I've mentioned before on my blog that I refer to as Happy Hour Dood. I met him little over a month ago, and we talk on the phone several times a week. He texts me good morning on my way to work, and texts me after work to meet him for dinner and drinks. We're not dating exclusively or anything like that. And we've never even so much as kissed.

He has a five year old boy. Which, at first, I didn't think anything of. My mentality about dating guys with kids is that maybe since they have kids already, they might not want anymore later in life. But what I didn't plan on is all the emotional baggage that comes with dating a single parent. Sure, he shares custody with the ex-wife, but I figured on the weekends he doesn't have the kid, we'd go out and have fun together. And even when he did have the kid, I thought we'd go see Ice Age or some other kiddy movie or such.

But damn, when he ignores me weekend after weekend because he's spending alone time with his kid, it makes me wonder. So, I text him, "why don't you call me on the weekends? you got better things to do?" [I can be direct, we aren't dating exclusively. Plus, with no physical ties, I can afford to question him in an accusing manner, without any caution of his feelings or mine.]

He replied to me, "My son is only 5. We've been hurt once, and I don't want it to happen again."

I sent him one more text, "That's great. You can avoid getting hurt by continuing to avoid me."

I know that was a little harsh, but I know myself by now. I know I'm too selfish to be second place. And I'm not a patient person. And I can't afford to put my feelings on the line for someone who's afraid to feel. I'm past that point in my life. I love deeply. A little too quickly sometimes, yes. But I'm not going to hold back because some dumbass in my past hurt my feelings.

I'm not sorry for sending that message. And I'm sorry for the way it probably will turn out between us. If he didn't want to 'feel', then I guess it wasn't a real connection to begin with.


Blogger Spinning Girl said...

Hmm. I find the older I get, the more baggage possessed by all the men I date. I, of course, have none.

Monday, May 29, 2006 8:16:00 AM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

Your new avatar ROCKS. Even though I made it, it still rocks. Look, you are surrounded by flora. I love that your face is more visible in this picture. What fabu hair you have. I'll fight ya for best hair award, and be 100% if we tie. We should have a hair-off on our blogs and make people vote. Ooh! Post idea!

Monday, May 29, 2006 10:43:00 AM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

I meant to say I'd be 100% HAPPY if we tie.

I have trouble with adjectives.

Monday, May 29, 2006 3:23:00 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

ima llama - but how BIG is yer glue stick??... hmm...

spinny - I don't have baggage so much as I have a heapin pile of issues. But I'm aware of my issues, so I figure it's more acceptable than baggage.

Monday, May 29, 2006 3:30:00 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

Spinny - Yessssssssss! A hair-off sounds devine. I must warn you, though, I'm very competitive and I don't like to lose. At anything.

Monday, May 29, 2006 3:32:00 PM  
Blogger Kelly said...

It can be complicated dating someone with a kid. I hope you are able to figure it out or move on.

Monday, May 29, 2006 3:51:00 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

I am not emotionally prepared to vote on any competition between Damasta and Spinny. I have way too much baggage for that sort of thing.

Plus, I have fabu hair too. Don't MAKE me show you pictures of my hair.

Ehem...notice anything different?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006 6:10:00 PM  

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