quesadillas for breakfast

Thank you to the little people who made this blog possible.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Not a cloud in the sky..

Anyone notice how clear it is outside? Sure, I'm freezing my nipples off, but if you take a second and tilt your head up, you'll see clear blue skies surround you today.

Adam and I are living together now... it's kinda ''unofficial'' in the sense that we are still preparing for the ''Big Move" in April where we'll move into OUR own apartment instead of just "sharing space" in MY apartment right now. A one bedroom is a tight squeeze, but I'm lovin' every minute of it.

I love waking up and seeing his face there next to me.

I love that he yells "Hey hunny, do you see my keys over there?!" from the kitchen in the morning.

I love how cute he looks with his two shirts, two socks, jeans and work boots on as he's walking out the door.

I love that even though he thinks all women are crazy, he thinks it's sweet when I get jealous of him talking about another girl in even a passing sense or when I freak out that he's not holding me as closely as he did the other day or when I force him to watch my favority reality tv show, Beauty and the Geek.

We are utterly and completely in love and not one of us can live without the other, yet we are still both human. We have lover's quarrels about the weirdest things, I swear! Lol.. and can you believe at 27, I still have insecurities?! Oh man.. that in itself was a big shock to me. I feel like I'm 16 all over again.. ;)


This morning's DUH award goes to a reporter on the channel 11 news cast this morning when he said this about a murder story from last night: "Two new victims shot to death means two more dead.."

Uh.... DUH! (if you're shot to death and you die, that's why..)


Blogger Stephanie said...

You look 16 so it's ok. tee hee

LMAo @ the DUH award --- that's why they make the big money!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007 2:38:00 PM  

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