Halleluiah! It's raining ice.
It's finally beginning to feel a little like winter today in Houston. Yesterday, I wore a sleeveless shirt and jeans and slept with the a/c on. Today, it's 21 degrees outside and rumors of freezing rain and sleet on the forecast for tomorrow morning has everyone in a panic. I used this to my advantage. First thing I did when I got to work was tell my boss that I wasn't coming in tomorrow cause I heard it was going to be "bad out there" and I didn't want to "take a chance." ;)
I totally forgot my friend Emma's birthday was today, and we were all going to meet up at this sushi place after work. I, personally, don't want to go because 1. it's sushi and I hate sushi and 2. it's 30 bucks a person to eat something I don't like. I must have subconciously decided that I wasn't going because I remembered this morning that I didn't buy her a present over the weekend! Oop. I had to run out in the freezing rain at lunch and buy her a little something. Still, I don't think I'm going because, well, the weather is going to be bad and that's a perfect excuse to get out of it, dontcha think? I feel bad, but seriously, she should have rescheduled it because at 6pm today it's going to be below freezing and sleeting and traffic is going to be horrid! (plusIdon'tlikesushi)
Last Friday my company Stage Stores, Inc. (most of ya'll know us as Bealls or Stage or Peebles - Palais Royal department stores are only here in Houston) hit the "$1 billion dollars in sales" mark! To celebrate this, we had a six foot wide cake catered to our cafeteria where 400+ employees gathered around and toasted Sparkling apple cider and ate (about half) of this ginormous cake :) It was both vanilla and chocolate.
Ze monsterous cake!
With letters as big as my head! How'd dey do dat?!
I'm slowly slipping off into a cake coma, so if you call me at my desk and I don't answer, you know why. Adam is on his way home now.. I wish I was there. He works about thirty minutes North of Houston, so I know for a fact that he won't be trying to venture out to work in the morning (the freeways will probably have ice on them). And since I'll be on a "self-proclaimed" vacation... I'll have to think up something fun for Adam and I to do all day tomorrow (that doesn't involve getting out of bed). ;)
We are supposed to have ice and snow tomorrow as well ! I am hoping we only have snow flurries because the framers are ready to put my walls up on the house. You stay warm and I am sure it won't take you long to come up with something for you all to do ! LOL!
what to do? what to do?
saturday, i had the best chocolate cake ever -- then, i had the leftover cake for breakfast on sunday
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