Ask and ye shall receive :)
For Christmas, I asked for jewelry. Particularly diamonds. To quote mahself, I said, "Anything shiny." Thankfully, Adam's uncle is a jeweler and he custom designed this for me and hand set the diamonds :) I think it's just loverly. It says, "I love you. "
I have literally run out of things to do today at work. I've been ''done'' with my work since 10am this morning, and it's 4pm now and blogging about nothing is all I can do to keep myself awake!
My company has finally blocked Myspace from our interweb. :( Tis a sad sad day at XYZ Fashion Company because, I swear, 75% of the people here have a site and are actively online during the work day. And with 500 employees, that's quite a few angry Myspacers. This, however, has nothing to do with why I began blogging over here again. I started posting at Blogger a few weeks ago because I was wanting to share more information and stories about what's going on in my life, but so many of my co-workers and family members are on Myspace now that it makes it difficult to talk about personal things. Even jokingly.
Ironically, I've had writer's block lately, and I don't have much to say about anything. Why is it that you feel more comfortable telling your secrets to strangers than to those closest to you? That's a phenomenon that I'll never completely understand.
I'll be back soon with more posts about what a selfish bitch I am, how talk of joint bank accounts make me want to hurl, and how I'm still a control freak trying to control the uncontrollable (aren't we all??)...
I just love having you back here! Bracelet --- purty.
same conundrum here, except that I think I can actually leave work, I don't think I have to stay... right?
Anyway, happy new year!!
Oh, thank god. I knew that MySpace blog thing was just something you needed to get out of your system. Glad to have you back off the crack and back on the blogger meth with the rest of us.
I likey the bracelet!
I warned you about that Myspace stuff.
No worries, I'm blocked too.
Duh --- I meant to start with ...
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