quesadillas for breakfast

Thank you to the little people who made this blog possible.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Today, I went to the Aquarium Downtown, where my friend Anna works as an animal trainer. She let me feed one of the white tigers she works with named Nero! And as you can see, I didn't feed him with my hands, but rather put meat on a stick and put it in his cage. I wanted to put the stick up high because I wanted to see how big his paws were!! And holy damn was he gi-normous! O_O

The trainers never ever go in the cages, for obvious reasons, so they train them thru the cage bars. There's a line on the ground that tells you how close you CAN get to the cage, but after the feeding, I was actually allowed to put my hand against the bars while the tiger rubbed his face against the cage. It was so frickin awesome and horrifying at the same time! I was excited and scared shitless. This was such a massively strong and beautiful animal and I was just honored to even be petting it.

Anna then took be for more "behind the scenes" action and I saw a 20 ft python, baby sting rays, a chinese aligator, and pihranas. It was so awesome to see her in her element and it just blows my mind that Anna can train just about any animal that she wants. She says it's all control and conditioning.

Hmmm..wonder if it works on boys...


Blogger Stephanie said...

Very cool!! Anna has a fun job.

I used to work at the Boston Museum of Science and going "back stage" was my favorite part.

Monday, July 10, 2006 7:23:00 AM  
Blogger Logophile said...

OK, before reading, just looking at the pic, my first thought was,
Holy hell, the girl has lost it, she is poking a tiger with a stick!Don't do it Damasta, LIVE dammit, you can't lose your will to live!!

That sounds soooo awesome.

Monday, July 10, 2006 8:14:00 AM  
Blogger Crystal said...


So I guess you can't technically "cuddle" them like puppies, huh? Puppies don't eat people.

Friday, July 14, 2006 1:06:00 PM  

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