quesadillas for breakfast

Thank you to the little people who made this blog possible.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Complete from A to Z.

Available: Devastatingly
Age: 26 going on 40
Annoyance: Being embarrassed in public, bad hair days, slow cars in the fast lane, working on days before holidays, not being famous, soggy french fries, rude customers, ungrateful people, and banana flavored candy.

Best Friend: I'd have to go with Brandon on this one.
Beer: I prefer Ambers, Shiner Light, Michelob Ultra, Corona, MGD Light, BJ's Brewery's Red.
Birthday: December 27th

Crush: Cute vendor dood
Car: 2005 Ford Fuckus.
Candy: I prefer cheesecake.

Day or night: Day for dreaming, night for playing.
Dream Car: Limo [driver included, of course.]
Dog Or Cat: Either, I'm pretty much an animal lover. But rats are much easier to care for.

Easiest person to talk to: I'll talk to anyone as long as they listen.
Eggs: Scrambled.
Email: erica.supafly@gmail.com

Favorite Month: December. The warm clothes, the hot chocolate, space heaters, seeing your hot breath on the cold air, busy shopping malls, family gatherings, my birthday, jingling bells. And yes, I love Christmas songs.
Favorite color: Pink, black, anything pink or black that sparkles.
Favorite Memory: Wow. I can't pick just one. Traveling is always fun. I certainly had a blast going to see Kenneth graduate in Rolla, MO with Anna.

Gummy Bears or Worms: Sour worms.
Giver or taker: Giver, to my dimise.
Gum: Never cinnamon or spearmint or juicyfruit. Orbit White Bubblemint is good.

Hair Color: Deep brown.
Height: 5'5''
Happy: takes a lot more effort than anger, but it's worth it.

Ice Cream: Cookies N Cream
Instrument: Clarinet and air drums.
Idol: American

Jewelry: Silver mostly. Almost never a watch.
Jail: Nope. And don't call me to bail yer azz out, either.

Kids: Can you imagine the horror?
Kickboxing or Finger Painting: My paintings hang in my living room. I sure am better at kickboxing, though. I have a killer right hook.

Longest Car Ride: I recently drove to California, but we did it in two days. So, while technically it was longer because it took more days, I'd have to say that driving straight through California in 2000 was the longest car ride *ever*. Nonstop 26 hours worth of driving in a two seater with my boyfriend and a Pink cd.
Longest relationship: The afore mentioned boyfriend holds the record at two years.
Last Kiss: Secret Lover Boy, yesterday. A 'friend' with 'benefits'.

Milk flavor: Chocolate and never ever strawberry.
Most missed person (s): My great uncle.
Movie Last Watched: 8 below. Suuuuuuuuucked.

Number of Siblings: One younger sister.
Number of Tattoos: None. Low pain tolerence + chronic indecisiveness = no tattoos.
Name: Erica. But you can call me Erica.

One wish: For something tall, dark, and handsome.
One Phobia: Coming to work with no pants on.
One regret: Coming to work with no pants on.

Pet Peeves: Men with no manners.
Part of your appearance you like best: My calves.
Part of your Personality you like best: My humor.

Quick or Slow: Slow thinking, quick talking. Not a good combo, btw.

Reason to smile: My job, my apartment, my car, my friends
Reality TV Show: My Fair Brady
Reason to cry: Someone poking me in the eye.

Song Last Heard: Crazy by Gnarls Barkley. I hate that song.
Season: Fall, a week before Winter.
Shoe: Anything with a heel. [read: anything that can make me taller.]

Time you woke: 6:10am
Time Now: 11:48am
Time for bed: 9pm. Anything after that and I'm cranky the next day.

U love someone: Of course.
Unpredictable: Unfortunately, I'm not. I'm a planner. And I always order the same thing at my favorite restaurants.

Vegetable you hate: Spinich. Tastes like someone already did the chewing for me.
Virgin: Not my margaritas or my men.
Vacation spot: I'd like to plan a trip to Spain later this year.

Worst Habits: Forgetfulness, procrastination, not seperating my lights and darks.

X-Rated Porn: Um. No?

Year you were born: 1979
Year it is now: Wait..wait... I know this one...
Yellow: sun.

Zoo Animal: I have a fit if we don't stop by the elephants.
Zodiac: Crapricorn.


Blogger Stephanie said...

You don't seperate your lights and darks????? The horror!! Please tell me you don't wash your whites with your lights and darks???

hehe - will you be my idol??

Monday, July 03, 2006 1:54:00 PM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

I know you posted this just for me to rip off. You know I love this shit.

Monday, July 03, 2006 1:56:00 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

Pink and Black - man, I had so many psychic moments while making that egg, it scares me!

I too have a fit if I don't get to see the elephants. Oh, and the monkeys.

Monday, July 03, 2006 4:29:00 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

snav - Uh..ok, I won't tell you then. Will you be my muse?

spinny - Go ahead and steal my post... you've already stolen my heart.

mad - Ha. I told you I have eleven outfits like that.

Monday, July 03, 2006 5:40:00 PM  
Blogger lime said...

fun list. good to know i'm not the only silly one and i totally agree on banana flavored stuff...eeeewwwwwww

Tuesday, July 04, 2006 8:30:00 AM  
Blogger lookingbusy said...

Add to annoyances: Bicyclists that think they are cars, then refuse to obey any traffic laws like stop signs or traffic lights. Everytime I see someone on a bike just run through a stop sign I want to roll down the window and yell out "Hey! You gotta obey the traffic laws too!" but then I remember that my stupid driver's side window doesn't roll down and I get even madder.

Thursday, July 06, 2006 2:06:00 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

looking - bwuahahhahahahahhaaa....that's classic.. i can totally see you getting mad over that.. lolol..

Thursday, July 06, 2006 2:57:00 PM  

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