Cankles and wine and hangovers, oh my!
This weekend was another filled with
wine, friends, and fun.
And it was at this wine party on Saturday
that I learned a new word:
Cankles: the absense of a definite seperation between your calves and ankles.
In other words, one fluid, yet less desirable, muscle shape that
extends from the back of your knee to the back of your ankle.
So, of course, I'm curious to know if I posess such
an unsightly body part.
For comparision, here are two pictures of my [hopefully seperate] calf and ankle.
You be the judge:
Well, whatever it is, I hope you like my shoes.
Those are my most favorite party shoes. [read: they make me tall]
Also, I absolutely love how you can see into my bathroom from this picture angle.
Great. That's lovely.
I hope you guys have a better morning than I am I having right now.
I was hungover yesterday, took a four hour nap, went to sleep at midnight, and still woke up at 4:40am to go to the gym. I'm so tired right now that it feels like I'm dreaming.
you do appear to have seperate calves and ankles, however the cankle is most generally seen from the back, where instead of gently sloping into an ankle, the calf just dead ends into the foot.
but your body parts seem fine.
yeah, that's true. this picture, however, was pre-party, so I was unaware of such word before this picture was taken. i should have taken a back view post-party for comparison. but i'm sure i have calves + ankles, because i'm sure someone at the party would have pointed out if they suspected i indeed had cankles.
whoa. you are crazy for going to bed so late. although.. on friday i did almost stay up for 24 hours straight... 5:30am to 4am. i was hella tired the next fo sho.
i like those shoes something awful and i always imagine wearing them makes my ankles [not cankles] perfectly toned.
Dude - you so do not have cankles! LOL!!
ok, tanks god for that, snav. gah.
you are cankle-less. those are some kick ass shoes!
thanks limerz, i love the retro 70s thick heel look going there. there's detail that you can't see from the pic too, but alas.. all i have is a camera phone. oh wellz. thanks.
I think you have ankle/calf definition. Whew! My friends and I call the syndrome you describe "flegs" (foot-legs).
Nice bathroom. Can I come over?
Great shoes.
I know of the affliction you speak of, it is a sad thing, I think we should start a charity.
Not that we will do anything for them, but it is a great excuse for dinner parties.
you mean wine parties, right?
totally cute shoes
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