quesadillas for breakfast

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Ask DaMasta

The always lovely Snavylyn has written me some fine questions for me today. I love interviews because, well.. honestly... I like talking about myself. And before you gasp in disbelief, isn't the purpose of a blog to talk about yourself? Hmm?? Yup. Thought so.

Ok, then.. here we go..

[ OH.. and feel free to ask me questions as well. Just leave them in my comments. Anything at all. Anything. At all. Just ask. ]

1. Do you think giving pets as gifts is a good idea and why? Umm.. yeah... no. I don't think giving a pet of any kind is ever a good idea. I don't care if it's a fucking goldfish. It might be a goldfish that someone doesn't want. People are so picky about pets and buying or adopting a pet is a very personal thing and it should take a considerable amount of time to pick one out.

OH.. and if you're living with a psycho in.. hmm.. let's say.. Tennessee and you're thinking about dumping her but every time you do, she pulls you back in with her tears and lies and deceit, then yeah.. buying her a pet as a gift is definitely NOT a good idea. Not that I know anyone like that.. I'm jussayin'..

2. You always write about "secret lover boy". How did you meet him and develop into "friends with benefits"? In January of last year, I moved into my grandmother's house while I attended college part time and worked part time. My uncle and aunt live two houses down and would frequently have friends over for BBQ's and such. Yeah, so, Secret Lover Boy was a son of a friend of my uncle's and a frequent visitor to these get togethers. Well, one night, in a drunken stooper, I tried to seduce Secret Lover Boy while he walked me home [yes, two doors down, but I swear I couldn't stand because of all the liquor ;) ] but he politely refused to make out with me because he didn't want to upset my grandmother or any other member of my family. [Yeah, so I guess I wasn't supposed to fraternize with my uncle's friend's son because I was just a young girl.. and SLB was 11 years older than me. Oop.]

So, I guess long story short: he gave me his number, we got together once I got my own place, and since he's an ass who doesn't want a "girlfriend" and the sex is so good, we've become friends with benefits. LOL. It's not a particularly glamorous story, but that's life.

We've had our ups and downs and he's broken my heart once or twice, but we always end up together again. I call him my place holder, and I honestly, I haven't had sex with anyone else other than him in the year and a half that we've been "together".

3. Where did the name Damasta come from? Ha. Uh.. honestly, when I was younger [read: in high school], I used to walk around the house on my birthday yelling: CELEBRATE MY BIRTH! I AM DA MASTA OF DA UNIVERSE!.. *sigh*.. I had issues.

4. Rats? How, when and why did this become the ideal pet? A few years ago, around 2002, my friend Anna, the animal trainer, was working at the Houston Zoo and she was taking this class on how to train animals and they told everyone in the class to get a rat to practice on.

After the class was over, Anna had this big beautiful and gentle Agouti rat named Juno, with really no place to keep her. Since I had just gotten my apartment in Clear Lake and was looking for a pet to liven up the place, she gave Juno to me and told me all about rats and how great of a pet they were and so on. So now I had this big huge rat that could do tricks like scratch her leg on command, turn around in a circle on command and touch targets on command.

Soon after, I joined Yahoo Ratlist and learned so much about keeping rats and what to feed them and how social and wonderful they were and I also read about how it's not really good to keep just one, so that's when I bought Quesa Dilla, my beige and white hooded rat.

I've had several rats over the years, probably around 8 or so, but right now I only have Chibby Chibberson.. who is a blue hooded rattie who comes when I call her and loves to sleep on me.

For more info about rats, just in case you're interested.. visit www.dapper.com.au I know Robyn from Yahoo ratlist and she has only the finest most beautiful rats ever!

5. Being from Texas, do you hold yourself somewhat responsible for the whole Bush fiasco? Ha. No. I never once voted for him while he was in Texas. Maybe because I wasn't old enough or maybe because I didn't care enough about politics. And I've never voted for him in a presidental election for the same reasons. But I wouldn't call it a fiasco. I mean really, he's the leader of the free world at a time of war. I wouldn't wish that position on my worst enemy.


Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

i love rats.

also? i love the reasoning behind "damasta."

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 3:55:00 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

You are DA MASTA OF DA UNIVERSE!!!! LMFAO at "celebrate my birth"!!

Great answers chica!! Mwuah baby!!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006 8:13:00 PM  
Blogger lime said...

strokes chin, 'veddy interestink. now tell me of these issues'

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:46:00 AM  
Blogger S said...

I love the last question....he is the leader of the free world in a time of war, but it is his war.

I am glad Im in California so you cant punch me, sweetie!

Miss you girl, hope all is well!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:33:00 PM  
Blogger Logophile said...

tee hee
you so funneh!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 11:50:00 PM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

missed u.

Friday, July 14, 2006 8:06:00 PM  

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