Honestly, after reading the word honestly forty billion times in a row, I want to honestly yank my fucking brain out. Honestly.
1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? Bright blue.
2. Honestly, whats on your mind right now? Honestly, I just finished reading this post off someone else's website and honestly, I thought it was a good idea. But after reading the word honestly twenty-one fucking times in a row, I'm dreading reading it twenty-one fucking more times in a row. I honestly want this to end, even before it began.
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? Typing this fucking post. Was that not abundantly clear?
4. Honestly, what did you do today? I went to work, ate lunch at Taco Bell, and am now about to head home for some much needed relaxation.
5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive? Honestly? I don't know. Some days, I feel incredible. When my curls are just right, and my favorite jeans are giving me that slightly curvy look, I feel invincible. Some days, I feel like a bloated cow, and I just want to curl up in bed in my pj's. And I could spend all day listing things I don't like about my features, but that would be a bore. I think I'll just stick to making you guys laugh. Humor is my defense mechinism.
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today? No, but the day's not over yet.
7. Honestly, do you watch disney channel? Sure, sometimes. I don't have cable at my apartment, but when I go to my parents' house, I will surf the channels to see if I've missed any delightfully annoying reality shows. Along the way, though, I stop on the Disney Channel to take a peek. Last weekend, I watched The Fox and The Hound.
8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? Not even a little. I have an awesome job where I get to surf the internet all day. I also never see my boss, and when I do, she's amazingly nice to me. I have a small group of great friends, not to mention all my invisible internet friends. My best friend, while a few states away, makes me laugh every single day, and I'm so thankful for that. I may not be living in a situation that most would like, but I think I'm living a pretty terrific life right now.
9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? Laughing. I often tell jokes about myself to entertain others. I also tell jokes while quoting movies or songs. I do impressions of people at work, and I even do voices. I have the greatest time when I'm laughing with people.
10. Honestly, do you bite your nails? Hell no. I don't have any bad habits. If you don't count dating jerks.
11. Honestly, what is your mood right now? It is now Saturday night [I started this survey Friday at work], and I'm under the influence of all sorts of fun things, so I'm feeling rather delightful right now.
12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder? Unfortunately, no.
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute? Yes. Yes, I've wanted to see him for many many minutes.
14. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret? Doesn't everyone? You can't tell me you don't have secrets so deep and dark that you wouldn't tell not a single soul in this world. I have five, at least.
15. Honestly, do you hate someone right now? Not really. If I think really hard, I can recall some bads things that people have done to me in the not so distant past, but that's human nature. I believe people find it easier to be evil than good.
16. Honestly, who/what do you want to hug right now? Who? Brandon. What? His body.
17. Honestly, are you loyal? Yes. I have the self-destructive habit of being a very forgiving person. And I believe the willingness to forgive is one trait of loyalty. Often, I will offer to do favors over and over again to those who really shouldn't deserve it. And if people ask me for my help, I'll never decline.
18. Honestly, are you in denial? I need to buy a full length mirror because I might be in denial about how I really look to other people. Particularly boys.
19. Honestly, do you like someone? And by "like", you mean "want to fuck"... yes.
20. Honestly, does someone like you right now? I sure fucking hope so.
21. Honestly, do you smoke weed? Wait.. you can see me?
Honestly, my brain just skips that word most of the time.
Wow, you're right, reading honestly that many times does get to you a little, doesn't it?
I may never voluntarity use that word again.
honestly, that was really a fun list.
honestly, i really liked it too
miss you
mwuah baby
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