quesadillas for breakfast

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Monday, April 17, 2006

Weekend Recap

S-a-t-u-r-d-a-y night! I had a date with a dood I met online. I vowed never again. But ya know what Fievel says, "Never say never!" So we went to this happenin' pub in Northwest Houston.. beer, live band, pool.. the works.

Let's see.. the high points of my date:

1. He's *no longer* an alcoholic.
2. He's *almost* done paying off the lease of the house where he used to live with his ex-girlfriend.
3. He's *almost* done living with his parents.
4. He's anti-smoking, anti-drugs, anti-drinking [now].
5. He's 26 and *kinda* bald.

The best compliment I recieved all night: "I'm so glad you're not an air-head."

I think we'd better stick with the "never again" policy.

Later that night I talked the date over with The Cuz, while having a cigarette and getting fugged up on "non" cigarettes.

A honey-ham should never be barbequed The Cuz bought a lovely honey ham for all to enjoy on Easter. And then her stooopid hubby put the whole thing on the BBQ pit to "warm it up a bit." It tasted like a hot dog.

Glitter is a-no fun for any one Every year we have a confetti egg fight. And every year, I forget about the glitter. This year, I admit.. I started the egg fight with a couple of 9 yr old boys. Twenty five seconds later, they ganged up on me. I had to take a shower late last night to wash off the reminents of the confetti egg fight. Let me tell you.. there was glitter where no glitter should e-v-e-r be. Ever.

Note to self: Never start confetti egg fights with 9 yr old boys. They will win.

The city mouse went to the country I went to a small town called Angleton on Easter, which is right outside of Houston. It was actually really relaxing. We sat on the porch swing, talked amongst each other, BBQ'd, read celebrity gossip magazines, and generally had a good time. It was quiet, peaceful, sunny, and cool. Only drawback? Mosquitos. Ack! [my ass itches.. and not in a good way.. ]


Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

there's a good way for ass itching?

i want to go to a small town outside houston and bbq.

i'm so jealous.

Monday, April 17, 2006 11:57:00 AM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

Uh.. no comment.

Monday, April 17, 2006 12:34:00 PM  
Blogger Breazy said...

oooohlala .. a date .. you go girl! I love sitting on porch swings and I hate misquitos ! Have a good day!

Monday, April 17, 2006 1:40:00 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

You make me smile!!

Monday, April 17, 2006 2:31:00 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

Also, there was nothing to do in the country except go to Walmart. We went twice.

I wouldn't so much call it a "date" so much as an "understand that we two people shall never again go out together".

:) to you, snav!

Monday, April 17, 2006 2:34:00 PM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

You are so cute.

Ummm, I second Miss K's comment on "good" ass itching. Is that like "good" ass sores?

Mmmm, a giant Easter hot dog. Pass the relish!

My blind-dating woes are many. See: Freaky hand fetish dude.

Monday, April 17, 2006 2:55:00 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

Your date could have been worse! You could have met him in Angleton and had nowhere to go but Walmart. There you could have eaten at McDonalds and discussed sexless politics over a slushy and his newly purchased bag of Nioxin. I'm jus' sayin.

Monday, April 17, 2006 5:56:00 PM  
Blogger Crystal said...

BTW - I tagged you.

Monday, April 17, 2006 5:56:00 PM  
Blogger Sherri Sanders said...

Yikes! What hole did this guy crawl out of? I would have had a hard time finishing up the date, I'm pretty sure I would have ditched him when his head was turned and never looked back.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 8:42:00 AM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

spinning - so those ass sores .. aren't .. good??

mad - oh, you tagged my ass something guuuud! dammit! i'll have it up on wednesday hopefully.

sherri - it was tempting.. but i couldn't just leave him there.. oh wait.. yes i could have.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006 5:35:00 PM  

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