HNT: That's odd. :-/
Oh yes. It's true. I was minding my own business [surfing for prisoner dating sites] and Madmeer tagged my ass. Yup. Right there in the middle of blogland. For everyone to see.
Here's how it all went down:
Madmeer: "I tagged yo ass, DaMasta. Ha!"
DaMasta: "Bitch."
Madmeer: "But you'll do it right?"
DaMasta: "Of course!"
List of Weirdness:
[The instructions are simple. Actually, I don't remember the instructions, so I will make up my own. 1) List weird characteristics about yourself. 2) Done.]
1. I talk with my arms. No.. not with my hands. My a-r-m-s. Benefits chick mentioned the other day that I shouldn't talk so loud because I almost knocked her in the head. And I responded back, oh.. I talk with my hands? And she said, no.. you talk with your arms. So apparently, my arms flail about like a retarded schizophrenic and the louder I get, the bigger the radius of my flail.
2. I'd rather text than talk. I've mentioned in the past that I used over 5,000 text messages a month. Last month, I hit an all-time high at over 8,000 texts in March alone. My cell phone minutes? 146. But luckily I have T-Mobile with unlimited texting and I only pay about $50 a month. Plus I have AIM [Aol Instant Messenger] on my phone for free.
3. I must be a secret agent for the FDA, because I name all my rats after food and/or drugs. Let's see, there's been Juno Burger, Quesa McDilla, and our most recent fatty ratty Chibby Chibberson.
4. I have my own language. I make up words and combine words to make new ones. Ex: tacobelly [what you get if you eat too much Taco Bell], feet pillows [really confortable sandals], ezmailz [ghetto for emails], real estud [a stud in the real estate dept.], Johniffer [a combination of John and Bennifer from the tech support dept, so I can address both of them at once. Bennifer is also a combo word for Ben and his wife Jennifer], tidbits [womanly parts], Paco [my hernia], peekend [the weekend of payday], dorkus [my pet name for you-know-who], beertenders [cute bartenders], etc..
5. If people text me and ask me where I am or what I'm doing, I usually send them a picture message of where I am or what I'm doing. Also, if I'm messing around at home, I'll send my friends stoopid pics of myself. Basically, I'm obsessed with taking pictures of myself. I'll show you what I mean:
*All photos, except the one where my head is in a Captain cut-out cardboard thingy and the one on the beach, were taken by me.
You call that stuff weird? Wigga Puh-LEEZE! Y'all so normal it's SICK! I love yiz anyway. HHNT!
Come see my gratuitous beefcake shot (not).
Hahaha - "Tacobelly."
I make up names too:
Taco Bell = Toxic Smell
Visible Changes = Visible Smegma (scary frapaccino chuggers)
Denny's is prounounced "Shay Den Wa"
Marble Slab=Marvelous Flab
...and the list goes on and on.
Arm talking makes you a danger to yourself and your loved ones.
That sailor pic is fantastic! And the "guns" pic makes you look all buff n'stuff.
Fun list and pics :) HHNT!
I love the photos! I do the same thing. :D
You are the best! By far one of my favorite posts in a long time....
did you know that conumption of too many candies gives you "gummy tummy?"
i assume this is similar to tacobelly.
1. I know a girl named Johnnifer (her actual name is Johnnifer)
2. What the fuck is wrong with that tatoo?
andy - I'd hate to see what *you* call weird! ;) Hot pic, sweetie! Happy hnT!
madmeer - walmart = wally world, taco bell = taco smell, bennigans = bennegans againagins.. LOL! Happy hnt!
crimson - thanks! hhnt!
sherri - It's an obsession! But yeah, I noticed you post a lot of self portraits on yer blog! It's all guud! ;)
big mama - thanks! the posts lately are far and few between, but hopefully they will be more entertaining! hhnt!
miss kendra - no.. i didn't know that.. but i guess now i do! lol.
thinkfrustrated - 1. that's just wrong, 2. it's fake
LOL. Happy hnt!
Told ya having a stockpile of fake tattoos was weird. You could have had 6!
oooo - you have the cool - typy-style phone - i geddit now!! i want one toooooo!!!!
he he - i've seen a couple of those pics b4!!
you are beautiful!! luv ya babe!!
Those are great pictures girl!
I have taken almost all of my HNT pictures myself.
Makes it easier to relax for the photo.
Happy HNT!
I hardly ever take pics of myself.
Since starting HNT there have been more pics of me than ever in my adult life.
You are a crazy text-er that is insane!
Cool pics girly! I can tell you have shed some lbs as well! Lookin' good ! Happy HNT!
im on drugs. it seems not so w3eird, i dunno. thanks for the well wishes. i'm still in pain but every day is a little better than the last.
I am a loud exuberant talker too. I have a problem, where I get loud at the inappropriate part of the conversation. This is all unintentional and unfortunately uncontrollable.
1. Don't be TOO honored when your SiteMeter shows I was on your site for 2 hours; it was the last one I looked at before I went grocery shopping. But secretly you know I love you the MOST, right? (Don't tell Jiggs and Miss Kendra)
2. Mad ups for use of one of my FAVORITE words, which is "flail".
3. You are so much fun. Let's hang out. Can we have a sleepover?
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