HNT: Hurts like a thousand bullet wounds.
I don't need this to tell me I'm dying.
I'm right-handed, too.. so this is more than a little tragic.
It's my phone-answering hand.
It's my most used typing hand.
It's my writing hand.
.. and most importantly, it's my blogging-hand!
How am I supposed to click a mouse with this huge ass paper cut on my pinky?!?
And yes, Snav, that is your 'Chocolate Age' survey I'm working on in the background.
But in the middle of adding 552 to 1756 and dividing by 237, I was distracted by this magazine [aka The Papercut Culprit] :
Worried about half-nekkidness?
Take your shirt off and call him in the morning. Happy HNT!
Go 'Stros!
Sorry about the papercut.
The chocolate guru is all knowing!!!
Hey gal, I brought the spongebob bandaids! HHNT
Ouch - paper cuts hurt. Still...
Happy HNT x
ouch, you need a bandaide and a kiss for that
Hope it heals quickly
Owwie! Cheers and Happy HNT!
*smooches it better*
Happy HNT!
ouch! Papercuts are the worst
Ouch to your finger!
smoochies to the boo bob digit...
*~*Happy HNT*~*
See - that'll teach you to read magazines instead of chatting with me at work!
I vant! To Drink! Your BLOOD!
Ouchy HNT :)
Oh no ... papercuts hurt!!
I hope it heals quickly
Happy HNT
ouch ! Happy HNT!
lol, keepin my mouth shut, lol
OK, so I have HEARD the best therapy for a papercut is to take off early the following Friday.
I dunno for sure, but maybe you should, cuz it would suck to end up with a flesh eating bacteria just because you didn't.
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