Audioblog Wednesday: Ate my audioblog.
Since Audiobloger wants to be a prick and eat my audio posts, I'll just have to sit and type this one out.
Today's post is sort of contraversial. I don't particularly like to talk about religion, politics, current events, or more specifically my opinions on such. But today is an exception.
Lately, I've been reading the papers and listening to the radio and watching the news about this Immigration Debate. Now, before I start my little rant, I have to honestly say that I don't know much about the details of the bill, as far as what they expect to do with the illegal immigrants that are already here. I'm simply reacting to what's been going on locally in Houston. And yes, I'm of hispanic descent, but you'd have to bust out an encyclopedia to find any relatives that are actually from Mexico. And I'm not saying whether I'm for or against this particular reform, but again I'm simply reacting to all the drama that's been happening in the media and around town.
I get home yesterday and turn on the t.v., and there they are - young, dumb, hispanic kids saying "We are latino! We are the future! We came here to the United States for a better opportunity! We're here to educate ourselves!"
Why the fuck did you walk out of school, then?!
These hispanic kids are walking out of schools all over the country in order to "protest" this proposed immigration bill. These kids don't even know what the hell is going on! I mean, I don't even know what the hell is going on, so I know damn well they know even less about what is going on. For the most part, in Houston, it's been a pretty peaceful demonstration, but I'm watching the news about the protests in California, and these fucking kids are getting riotous. In many cases, police are involved and there have been injuries, attacks, and many arrests.
What's really fucking hi-larious is that these kids are parading around city hall carrying fucking Mexican flags. Mexican flags!! If you are telling us that you came to America for better opportunity, tired of being oppressed by your own country, can't make enough money there, came here to provide for your family in the best environment possible, why the h-e-l-l are you carrying around Mexcian flags? At a protest? Where we are threatening to send yer asses back to Mexico?!
I bet most of the money that's made by illegal immigrants goes straight back to Mexico, too. Now, this is where I'm torn. I know most of these kids are worried about their grandmothers and elderly relatives that live here, and are upset at the notion of sending them back to Mexico. I mean, I certainly don't want that to happen. But, what I'm talking about here are the male immigrants that are sent here illegally by their families only to earn money under the table who send it back to Mexico to provide for their families. I'm sure they do this, because, think about it, US currency is worth more there than here.
Economically, the direct descendents of these illegal immigrants [people close to my age], are fucking my world up. A couple of years ago, I had lost my apartment, my car, my job.. everything, and decided to go back to school and work part time at a local store in the area. I moved to a poor, mostly-hispanic part of town. I swear to you, I couldn't get one fucking penny from the local food stamp office; I couldn't get housing assistance; and I couldn't get a school loan of any kind. Why? Partly because my tax statement from the year before said I made too much money. But, also, partly because I had to compete with free-loading hispanics [with too many bastard children, no education, no jobs, and no housing] in order to get financial assistance.
It's not like I'm against hispanics or anything, I just don't get why people are so shocked by all this. You are ILLEGAL immigrants. It was ILLEGAL for you to come over here like you did. You KNEW it was illegal when you did it. Now, you have to pay the consequences. Surprise, surprise.
*I've been debating all day on whether to post this or not. But, I'm pretty sure since this is my blog, that I'm allowed to do whatever I want to do. However, if you guys get rowdy in the comments, I will be forced to either stab you myself, or remove your comment. And since blood takes a while to come out of clothes, I'll probably just opt for the removal of your comment.
I am in total agreement with you on this . I had not heard anything about it until reading this but I do agree with you. Here in East Tennessee , Mexicans are becoming the majority. And please know that I am not prejudice against anyone , I think all people are equal and should be treated as such and this is where my problem with Mexicans appears . The move here and live for 7 years tax free . They get them a job and work for alot less than we do but when you take our taxes out of our pay then it will pretty much equal out . It just makes me sick because people who really need government help can't get it because, like you said , you have to compete with all the other stuff . Did you know that most of the mexicans here are on wellfare , housing and what the can get on but yet they won't let alot native people here on wellfare or what ever they need . Pisses me right off if you wanna know the truth. Like I said before , I am not prejudice against anyone but I don't understand why the mexicans are getting all the breaks here when others out there need it too !
I will shut up now so that you have some comment space left for others ! hehe
This is what I'm talking about, Breaze. They're bringing down the fucking poverty line. They are preventing productive members of society from getting assistance when they NEED it.
So what? The governement is telling me to have 5 kids out of wedlock, NOT go to college, and NOT to have a job? THEN they will pay for my food and housing? That's bullshit.
Now, I have thousands in school loan debt and little miss immigrant over there has a nextel cell phone, a drawer full of crack, and an all-bills paid apartment.
Yep , that is more or less what they are saying . Isn't funny how the majority of the people on wellfare , and I am including all races , that drive better vehicles than us, they wear the newest , most expensive clothes and omg! at the bling bling ! I am so with you on this !
Btw.. when can I come to Texas? hehe I love Texas!
I've been hearing debates on this one all week; mostly from middle-aged upper crust yuppies that wouldn't know hard times if they bit them on the ass.
I'm torn on the topic because I come from immigrants who would have been shot execution style had they not escaped to this country. I don't blame people for doing whatever it takes to make a good life for themselves.
So there's this side of me that roots for humane treatment of all people, and a lot of what happens to illegal immigrants is inhumane at best.
But the other side of me hates people in general and thinks the world would be far better off if we required a license to procreate and got a lot more selective about the people we let into this country.
Then they should be monitored, and if at any time they stop contributing to society without good excuse, they should be shipped off to the island of bad eggs where all the other social fuckwits live. While we're at it, we could ship off some of the dumb asses that were born IN this country as well. I just hope there's an island big enough.
And that is why I'm not a politician. :)
Breaze, you can come to Tejas any damn time you want! I have plenty of room. For just you. I don't have cable, though.
Madmeer, trust me, I've been thru hard times, but my point is: you don't have to have five children and no job to go thru hard times. I completely agree that poverty stricken people shouldn't be treated inhumanely, and believe me, I'm sure some of MY ancestors came straight from Mexico - illegally. I just don't understand how all of a sudden it's a shock that they are cracking down on something thats ILLEGAL. Holy shite!
You pretty much nailed it.
I agree with you and hate to see people sent back but really something needs to be done and I dont like illegals not matter where they come from by the way HAPPY HNT TOO
This is such a tough issue.
One, most of the illegals here in Georgia do work more often and more thoroughly than many other welfare-receipients. However, they are sending most of their money back home to take care of relatives in Mexico...understandable, but they aren't investing in their current community, which isn't fair to you or me.
A lot of children are getting gyped of services, and that sucks, because kids are innocents.
Because of the recent influx of illegals who come and give birth in this country, the Senate is trying to pass a bill that would amend anyone being born in this country automatically being a US Citizen. That's not fair, in my opinion.
On the other hand, I can't understand people who come here for a better life but refuse to assimilate. This isn't isolated to Mexicans. It's also a HUGE problem with Cubans...they won't speak to you in Florida if you don't speak Spanish. Ick!
And Somalians. And some Nigerians. Etc.
The point is: Mexico needs to fix itself. And the US should not only crack down on illegal immigration, but also impress upon Mexico the importance of getting its act together. Otherwise, this will be repeated over and over.
I'm going to print this out and read it in bed (I get into bed to read long & impotrant things, & also to talk on the phone. It's weird)then I will be back to comment!
OK I am back! Notice the huge time gap. I did read your post in bed, and since I was in bed, I took a nap.
There are losers & free-loaders in every culture and it has nothing to do with being hispanic or otherwise.
What I hate is when people come to this country for teh "opportunities" it offers, then flout our laws as if they don't apply to them. On teh flip side, many immigrants (illegal or otherwise) are the hardest workers I have seen.
I loved the passion in this post of yours.
Fritz, thanks for the response!
Spinning, you too!
Children wouldn't be an issue if they would stop having so damn many of them. Seriously, the poorest people have the most kids. It's not only a strain on our economy, but it's also bringing the poverty level way down.
Hard work means nothing if we're paying for it, and the money is just going to other non-citizens [in Mexico].
I understand that the immigrant problem is not exclusive of other races, but in Texas, Mexican immigrants are the majority.
You're such a racist. Why do you hate the Latinos and Latinas so much? Que tal?
I have no problem with illegal immigrants, as long as they are planning on becoming citizens. We are a country of immigrants, for christ sake! We should feel bad for all the Native Americans, whose land we stole, raped, and ruined. That, my friend, is a fucking shame.
That said, nice post.
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