quesadillas for breakfast

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Friday, February 03, 2006

My Perfect Man

I got tagged by the beautiful and sassy Snavylyn.

The rules state that I must choose a gender of my preference, and list 8 different traits that would make him/her my perfect partner. In theory, this should be easy.

I choose a man. Cause, ya know, I like 'em like that.

1. He must be taller than me. [I'm five foot five and five seven with heels, so if he's even a HAIR shorter than me, it grosses me out.]

2. He should be good with his hands. [In every way possible. And I don't mind a man with rough hands.]

3. He should have a nice grille. [And I don't mean on his car. Although, he should have a nice car, but we'll get to that later.]

4. He needs to travel lightly. [I can't be bogged down with other people's luggage, if you know what I mean.]

5. He should have a j-o-b. [I just can't stress this one enough. I've done the whole "I'll support you while you look for a job and you get depressed because you can't find one and you turn into a ragging druggie because you're depressed and now you're just sitting there feeling sorry for yourself while I'm working full time and going to college at the same time." I just don't want to go thru that again.]

6. He needs to have a nice car. [He doesn't need to be rollin' on dubs, or have a slammin' stereo system. A nice, clean, fuel-efficient sedan is perfectly acceptable. Oh, and no Infinity drivers need apply. Read about the last guy I dated who drove an Infinity. And read about it again here.]

7. He needs to interested in having fun and/or laugh at my jokes. [This sounds like common sense, right? Wrong. I must be a loser magnet, because all I date are guys who are 1. too old to have fun, 2. too geeky to have fun, 3. too busy to have fun. I like to go out. I like to boogy.]

8. He needs to be nice. [Not like "hmm .. I think he might be gay" nice. Like, get me flowers for no reason nice. Make me dinner nice. Rub my back till I fall asleep nice.]

Also considered: Must have rock hard abs. Must be cuter than me. Must have a brain.


Blogger Bsoholic said...

Yup, I could see were having a job would be a good thing. lol

Friday, February 03, 2006 9:31:00 AM  
Blogger lookingbusy said...

Do NOT make fun of the Infinity G35. Yeah, it's no M45, but all of Infinity's cars are sophisticated, sleek and overall just very cool.

And face it, for some guys not even a Viper or Ferrari isn't going to cut it.

Friday, February 03, 2006 10:38:00 AM  
Blogger Mr. Shife said...

I think the only one I qualify for is being male, and, uhhh, let me check, yep there is my penis. So yes I am a dude. Whew!

Friday, February 03, 2006 12:10:00 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

bs - He'd better have a job. How else is he going to afford me?

looking - Well, that was my point. It's nothing against Infinitys, but against the guys who think it's an insta-cool maker.

notsofat - LOL... daaamn, gas station hot dog dude has to go!!!

Shife - Ew. Really. No one here wanted to see your penis. Or lack thereof.

hizzle - You are SO not my friend anymore. :P

Friday, February 03, 2006 1:35:00 PM  
Blogger Stephanie said...

Very good list!! You know what you want and I want you to find it!!


Friday, February 03, 2006 1:57:00 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

well...that rules out about 99% of the Texas male population....

Friday, February 03, 2006 2:12:00 PM  
Blogger Spinning Girl said...

dude, I totally commented on this yesterday and my comment is GONE. F***ing blogger.com!

Sunday, February 05, 2006 8:09:00 AM  

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