Today's Cafeteria Menu:
BBQ Snasages
[that's all I can eat off the menu today]
Dieting update: I've lost an inch in my bust [sorry, male readers], and a piece of an inch in my waist. And this past weekend, I had to shop for new rings because my old ones were getting too big.
If it were Monday, it'd be Stolen Shit Monday. But it's not. It's Tuesday, and this time I actually got tagged. So, I guess today is Tag My Ass Tuesday.
I got tagged by Snav last year [lol...just a little New Year's humor], and I still can't believe she would want to know more weird things about me:
Here are the rules:
The first player of this game starts with the topic: five weird habits. People who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five people to be tagged and link to their web journals. Don't forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says You Are Tagged (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.
Ok, here goes nothing:
1. I have to sing and dance in my car. And I don’t care who’s looking at me or who’s riding with me. I live in Houston, people. The traffic here will make you crazy. But not me. Oh, no. I’ve got my radio on full blast and I’m dancing away.
2. I have to smell food before I eat it. I think I have food-gone-bad-aphobia. If milk smells weird, I toss it. Cheese, too. Anything that might be a little suspicious gets a sniff.
3. I have an unnatural attraction to cute guys who are oh-so wrong for me. This goes waaay back. Back to high school, probably. I love me some cute guys. But they always end up being those guys that are not-good-for-me-cause-maybe-they-grew-up-on-the-wrong-side-of-the-tracks-or-do-drugs-or-hang-out-with-the-wrong-crowd-or-doesn’t-want-to-make-a-commitment types.
4. I am so incredibly indecisive. This applies to everything! From changing my shampoo every time it runs out to trying to decide which movie to see to being afraid of commitment in a relationship to deciding which half nekkid photo to post on Thursdays. It annoys the shit out of people around me. It just make me giggle.
5. I yell at the T.V. like the people on there can hear me. I’m yellin’ at the umps. I’m yelling at the baby-daddies on Maury, I’m yellin’ at the crazies on Trading Spouses. I am easily entertained, and sometimes I just entertain myself.
quesadillas for breakfast
Thank you to the little people who made this blog possible.
"Tag your ass" Tuesday?
Verrrrryy interesting ...
lol! I'm not sure that the smelling food is a weird habbit, I do that often myself. Then again I scored highly weird on that quiz thingy. Oh well.
Yes that was my thoughgt to. MMMMM tag that ass.... :-)
Happy New Year.
T. - Not tag YOUR ass, tag MY ass. Oh, nevermind..
Bs - Well, I think it's weird only because my mom always used to yell at me and tell me to stop smelling my food. So, I thought, hmm..that must be weird.
Andy - Did any of the men actually read the post? Or did they all just stop at "tag my ass"?
Those things are actually not that weird!!! LOL!!
Keep up sweetie - it shouldn't take a year to respond to a tag :P!!
It's true.
You are only 40% weird.
But we still likes ya.
Wow. I thought I was weirder-er[?] than that. Oh well. Maybe next year.
Damn we should hook up...I am easily entertained too!
Now bend over so i can tag your ass!
wait..thats not right
i live with a food smeller. if somethign has been inthe friege for over 24 hours it is suspect. i on the other hand have been known to scrape the mold off cheese and eat the remainder. i know, weird.....
the car dancing i am all over. i am boogeying with ya. i yell at the tv too
I've heard that carbs are brain food.
I think your brain is starving.
we SHOULD hook up, Idiot. [now, pass the bows ;)]
lime, my dad does that shit. annoys the fark outta me. he'll eat moldy food before throwing it out. gross.
looking, you might be right about that. pass me a carb.
Did you hear me? I was yelling at my monitor while I was reading your blog.
I am with you on #2 and #5! Have a good day !
Mr. Shife - Yeah, I heard you. Something about, "TAKE IT OFF"....what's THAT all about?
you are such a hazard to yourself...
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