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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Globular Awards

So, yeah, I did it. So what? I watched the fucking awards. So sue me. I dare you.

Right off the bat, I think they are just showing Queen Latifa because it's MLK day.

Best Supporting Actress for TV - Sandra Oh [Grey's Anatomy]. Can I get a hell yeah?! I am soo glad someone is finally recognizing that show. Ok, it's only been on for what... a season or two. But still, it's farkin' funny as hell and it's one of my favorite shows and Sandra Oh cracks me the fark up. Love it. She got lost on the way up to the stage and started freakin out a bit in front of the mic, but whatever... How many of you have ever won a Golden Globe before? I rest my case.

By the way, who saw the Elvis movie? Which Elvis movie? Exactly.

And these damn dramatic mini-series are a good fuckin reason why I don't have HBO. Ok, so I can't afford cable and that's why I don't have HBO. Whatever, it still sucks my ass.

Best Actor for Comedy TV - Steve Carell [The Office]. OoOh Kelly Clarkson!! Who doesn't love Steve Carell? He made a great acceptance speech, too! He was reading off a piece of paper that supposedly had his acceptance speach written by his wife, and he read off something about ... thank you to the cast and crew of The Office, without which I wouldn't be here... and then he mumbled under his breath... um... I don't know about that, but whatever.

Weeds? What time does that show come on? A housewife selling dope? Cool.

Best TV Series for Comedy - Desperate Housewhores. Gag me. Is anyone still watching this wretched show? Stoopid.

Best Actor for Drama TV - Hugh Laurie [House, MD]. Yumm. I think he's hot. I like 'em old and moldy and English [apparently]. I was so relieved that he didn't limp in real life. And his acceptance speech was hi-larious also. Good times...good times.

Best TV Series for Drama - Lost. Ok, how many people are sick and fucking tired of this show? THEY ARE STILL LOST?!?! Holy fuck. They are still lost and still alive and still haven't figured out how to leave the Island. Great. Yeah, that's believable.

Best Everyfuckingthing - Brokeback Mountain. The cast of Will and Grace came out to introduce this movie or something or another.. and they said something like, "The key to a successful tv show is good writers, a great cast... oh yeah, and gay people." And then one of them said, "Yeah... come to think of it, the same rules apply for making a good cowboy movie..."

How much is George Clooney in love with himself? He's so full of it. I think he's gay. No, like, for real gay. Like Brokeback Mountain gay.

And if I see Jamie Fox one more time, I'm gonna barf. His ego's so big, it arrived in its own limo. He even started singing that stoopid ass song during an interview on the red carpet. Pfft. Your airplane movie sucked, remember?

Ok, Chris Rock said we only have to be nice to black people for two more hours. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Best Motion Picture for Musical - Walk The Line. I heart Joaquin Pheonix. Don't you?
:-t Look, it's Joaquin.

Ok, that's it. The Golden Globes in review. Goodnight, everybody, and thanks for watching.


Blogger AndyT13 said...

I hate Joaqine "The hairlip" Phoenix. What a douche. But boy do I ever think that icon is funny.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:55:00 PM  
Blogger Bsoholic said...

LOL - great review! I didn't watch it as I don't like award shows nor do I really care about celebrities.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:58:00 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

I heart celebrities. Award shows bring me closer to them. And to my own fame.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 2:04:00 PM  

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