quesadillas for breakfast

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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Since I've been spending time at The Cuz's house, I've had a chance to catch up on a lotta TV watchin'. Here are my reviews:

House, M.D. - This is a grand little show. The Cuz introduced me to this one last week. And I just watched my second episode last night. It's great! I heart Dr. House. He's a smart ass, tall, scruffy, funny, mean, and medium cute. The show works like a medical edition of CSI. Someone comes in with unexplained symtoms, and House's crew works around the clock until the pieces fit and they have a diagnosis. I studied microbiology at the University of Texas for three years, so this show really intrigues me.

Medium - Ugh. The Cuz didn't introduce this to me so much as glue my eye balls to the TV screen. This was a horrible show. I can't tell you how much I hated it. Wait, yes I can. From what I gathered, it's about this clairvoyant detective that has nightmares about killers and blood and crimes that may or may not happen in the future. And these dreams and visions involve people that may or may not be involved in the crime that may or may not be stopped by the clairvoyant detective and her trusty partner. It's all very exhausting, and not very fullfilling. Must be what her husband character feels like because he is constantly being awaken at night due to her nightmares and probably doesn't get any "lovin'" due to her nightmares as well.

The Amazing Race: Family Edition - Survivor sucks. This show rules. I was hooked on the first season and every year they out do themselves. It's like when the Real World first started out and they were only shooting seasons in America and then as the years went by, they started shooting exotic locations. This year they added a twist: put four family members together and let the comedy [and fist fights] ensue. It's very entertaining. I just sit there daydreaming about what it would be like if my family and I went on that show and tried to compete in a race around the world. Damn. Shoot me now.

Gilmore Girls - I am so angry that I like this show. That I have to stop everything and watch it. I am even embarassed to say that I watch it at all, let alone religiously. And it just started with this season. Things are finally getting interesting. Luke and Lorelai are engaged. Luke may or may not have a daughter he's never met. Rory quit college and now she's fighting with her mom and her grandma. But wait, now she made up with her mom, but not her grandma. And Lorelai's baby's daddy has started calling the house, and now Luke's upset. And now they might not even get married. Ack! I can't wait till next week!


Blogger Thomcat said...

The only tv show i watch is house... i love that show.

i hate, hate, hate the gilmour girls ... nothing like a spastic mother who can't succeed in any relationship , who tries to befriend her daughter instead of being her mom ...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:24:00 PM  
Blogger Breazy said...

Medium is the only show I watch and next week it is in 3-D . I can't wait . It is actually based on a true woman . This is some of the cases that she worked on . I meant to catch House last night but missed it due to Mr. Breazy watching the CMA awards and another show that I am going to start watching is Supernatural !

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:29:00 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

I hate that I like Gilmore Girls. I mean, really, who talks like that. Who? And, yes Thom, I hate when parents befriend their spawn. You are supposed to have spawn to create productive members of society, not for to have a shopping buddy. I hate love Gilmore Girls.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:30:00 PM  
Blogger DaMasta said...

I'm sorry Breazy [and I have a lot of blog-love for you] but really----3D?????? WTF! Not even I love the 80s 3D was in 3D. How is this show going to pull it off. And who the f*ck wants to see crazy little Patricia Arquette comin' at them in their living room??

[ok, breazy, i'm done!]

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:32:00 PM  
Blogger CozyMama said...

I LOVE Gilmore Girls!!! Love it!!!
Oh MY Thom, I think it is totally cool how they are friends!!! Loralei is a freakin riot!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 2:59:00 PM  
Blogger LBseahag said...

gilmore girls???? you should kill yourself ;P

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 3:12:00 PM  
Blogger Thomcat said...

sorry jodes ... i disagree 100% with it being cool to be friends. i think having a good and open relationship with their kids is awesome , but to be so buddy/buddy with their own kids is pathetic.

but luckily it's only a tv show, and i don't have to watch it

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 3:14:00 PM  
Blogger anika said...

Eviller twin, I. Hate. Gilmore. Girls. More than brussel sprouts. More than parallel parking even. I hate them.

I'm sorry.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005 3:29:00 PM  
Blogger Breazy said...

LOL! I want to see crazy little Patricia Arquette coming at me in my living room . I think the thing about it is just like some of the visions she is going to have . I am excited about it and in my opinion it beats reality shows all the way . This show is the only thing I ever watch on tv and that is why I love it so ! And I have blog love for you to girl ! hehe

Thursday, November 17, 2005 5:17:00 AM  
Blogger Crazy Me said...

Love, love, love Amazing Race and yes, Gilmore Girls too. I had to catch up on past seasons on dvd. It's like crack!

Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:38:00 PM  

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