Today's Cafeteria Menu:
Chicken Nuggets
Mashed 'taters
Score. Finally a lunch I feel good about.
Heard Around Town:
1. "Well, I can't make a claim against myself," my dad explained when he told me why he had to pay two deductibles to get the family cars fixed thru the insurance company. Apparently, my sister ran into my dad's car while driving my mom's car. And they say I'm the bad child.
2. "I thought I saw you last night.." has become the inside joke between me, the chick from HR and the hunky maintenance man. When HR chick said it to hunky maintenance man, she meant on the road on her side of town. Hunky maintenance man thought she meant in her dreams.
3. "There's no droppin'-like-it's-hot at work," warned Tech Boy 2 to Sexy DJ, who was making fun of my recent back injury by dancing in the middle of the hall at work - demonstrating what I must have been doing over the weekend to warrant a sudden unexplained back injury.
4. "Look! He's got bouncy hair," I said to HR chick, as we admired a hot guy from Real Estate [we call him Real Estud] walk down the stairs, hair bouncing in the breeze.
5. "He showed up wearing a gold grille!" exclaimed HR chick as she described a first date gone horribly wrong. I also heard that when it was his turn to pay for a round of drinks, he made like a fat man's pants and split. Looks like I'm not the only person who dates losers.
Ask and you shall recieve. I've been tagged twice already, and haven't posted them yet. So tomorrow will be Tag My Ass Wednesday. So if you still haven't tagged me with shit you'd like me to write about, here's your chance. Can't wait.
quesadillas for breakfast
Thank you to the little people who made this blog possible.
Fun post! I love that lunch menu thingy....until this year, my daughter was not allowed to buy school lunches..because they were absolutely horrible....mystery meat and all...
This year, they have a new kitchen making the lunches, and it is much better, and a lot more nutritious!
She never eats the food I send her from home, but at least she'll eat her cafeteria lunch....
I think the lunch I brought in two months ago is still in the fridge. I stopped bring frozen dinners when I found out that the big ass refrigerator in the break room is just that - a big ass refrigerator. No freezer.
Mmmmm corn. It takes a roller coaster ride through your body and comes out looking the same.
I think there might be a tagging epidemic because my blog just got hit as well.
Damn, no droppin-it-like its hot? Whatever will you do all day?
Mrshife - Wanna know how long food takes to circulate your digestive tract? Eat corn.
BS - Name my gluesticks?
LMAO Damasta! I always dance at work! Well, it is my job!!
Snavy - Are you a go-go dancer?
i once through my back out while dance ... created a new dance craze, the Doan's Shuffle
LOL! Love this post. Thanks for the laugh!
You are now linked my lust.
Did that HR chick hook up with Foo-fie Foo-fie?
I think smugglers should store their coke in corn kernels...much more dependable...
fabulous...the guy with bouncy hair? sign him up for a shampoo commercial ?
Jinxy - No! HR chick is currently banned from men. She has four children and an ex husband. And she's three years younger than me. Tramp.
Angela - Thanks!
Jerk - I better be. You don't want to see me mad. ...well...maybe you do.
Lime - He looks like a shampoo comercial everytime he comes down the stairs. Great clothes, wonderful smile, bouncy hair. Damn he's hot.
Well, are you latin?
If you are a hot little Latina, then yes, I want to see you mad.
I get all friggin turned on when chicas get pissed off. I'm crazy like that.
Yes, I am latina. And yes, I am sexy when I'm mad.
Of course you are!
I wasn't joking, Latinas a friggin HOT when they are mad.
Whoo, I'm getting all excited just thinking about it.
Wow, angry, HOT, makeup sex with DaMAsta!
Oh baby.
Damn. You're getting ME hot just thinking about it!
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