quesadillas for breakfast

Thank you to the little people who made this blog possible.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

I can't fucking believe it, Houston!

We have reached an all time low. I heard on the radio this morning that there is a group of protestors at the Astrodome. Now, I can see the Astrodome from our lobby and what I wouldn't give for a friggin long range gun. Now, I don't know much about guns, and I've never shot one before, but if you handed one to me right now, I swear I wouldn't miss.

I'm [almost] speachless.

As they said on the radio, "every town has its idiots, and these are ours".

They are protesting because they think the red cross and other local volunteers should be helping our resident homeless people instead of all the immigrant victims of the Hurricane. Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, that's it. Let's help the fucking crackheads and herorine dealers on the street before we help the functioning citizens of LA. These people were productive members of society. They had jobs. They had cars. They had a place to live. That is ... they had these things until Hurricane whats her face came thru and tore their lives to shreds.

Yes, I'm cynical and pessimistic and cranky most of the time. [But that's only cause I have to date losers like "online guy"] That doesn't mean that I won't stand up for the good people of LA.

Get informed. Get involved. And get the hell off the front steps of the Astrodome with your picket signs, you fucking low life idiots.

Peace Out.


Blogger Bobby said...

that sounds more like where I live, not my home state of texas. *SIGH*

Friday, September 02, 2005 2:00:00 PM  

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