Hi there!
Tis me here blogging for the first time. I'm not a computer geek, I don't know special techy language or even how to make this page fancy. That's not what this is about. This is about the life of a horribly single but lovable, squeezable, always dependable, bendable, foldable, do-what-your-told-able, crazy chick in Houston. I have many flaws, but will only admit to one at a time.
Let's start with some intros:
"me": 25, single and hating it, 3 years at UT Austin - no degree, 1 year UH Main - no degree, 1/2 year at San Jac - you guessed it, no degree. I have the patience of a two year old (thanks mom) so I never get things done on time, if at all. And even tho I have no degree, I consider myself smarter than the average graduate. Time and time again, I have out-performed many a college grad at work.
"mom": 40something, got married two days after her 18th birthday, control-freak to say the least, and overall good intentions with the wrong approach.
"dad": 50something, got married a month and a half after meeting my mom, WHEN DID YOU PROPOSE? THE SECOND DATE???..geez. Perfectionist, controlling, (my parents only fight about which child to control more), calm cool and collected...but behind closed doors....
I have a few pets. One for which this blogg was named.
"Quesa Dilla": a crazy little beige hooded rat. Yup, that's right, I said RAT!! She's the first pet I've ever owned. She is two years old and still kickin! (rats are only supposed to live like 2-3 years.)
"Loca Rat": i know what you're thinkin. why did she name this one loca when the other one is her "crazy little ..rat". Well, personalities change over time and these two ratties completely did 180s with age. As a youngin, loca was...well...loca. she would popcorn (bounce) all over the place and she would scare easily and she loved to follow my hand everywhere. Now that she's one year old, she is the more laid back of the two.
Here's a little about myself and if you have any questions, please ask!
-I like chocolate, but not chocolate icecream
-I love baseball, but don't keep up with stats and all that mumbo jumbo..
-I secretly like the color pink
-The only think I ever order at Starbucks is Hot Chocolate
-I've lied about having a degree to my friends, but never to job interviews
-I had a beta fish that lived 3 and a half years, and in three different cities, named King Kobe
-I am pro-life, i think..
-I am anti-war, i think...
-I like comedy clubs
-I love enchiladas
-I am a reality show junkie
-I wish I had cable
-My fav band is Barenaked Ladies, who incidentally are not ladies and are hardly naked..
-My fav movie is a tie between (and you're gonna laugh) Pretty Woman and The Fifth Element
quesadillas for breakfast
Thank you to the little people who made this blog possible.
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